There are many types of damage that can happen to your car’s paint finish. Many of these can be corrected with quick touch-up work before respraying the car. However, some types of auto body damage are so severe that they require more extensive repairs. In these cases, a mobile auto repair shop can be a godsend. A mobile repair shop can come to you to fix your car at a time and place of your choosing. There are many types of auto body damage, but some of the most common types of damage include dents, pitted paint, scratches, and hairline cracks that expand into larger cracks over time. Let’s take a look at some of the most common auto body damage types and see what you should look for if yours has been damaged in any of these ways:

Dents and Cracks

Dents and cracks are some of the most common types of auto body damage. A dent is a small, shallow area of paint where something has collided with your car and pushed it out of shape. A crack, on the other hand, is a deeper and more permanent damage that’s caused by a sudden impact to your car that pushes the paint too far out of alignment. Dents and cracks can be difficult to repair, but there are a few things you can do to help them heal faster. The first step is to park your car in a garage or somewhere else out of the sun. This will help the paint finish stay intact longer.


Pitting is a type of paint finish damage that occurs when something has corroded and eaten away at the paint finish. Pitting is most common on older cars that have not been properly maintained and have not been using quality paint and wax products. Pitting is also a common problem with newer cars that have been exposed to road salt. If you notice any pitting on your car, you should have it taken off as soon as possible. Pitting is a difficult type of damage to repair because it can’t be fixed with touch-up paint. Instead, the car must be repainted from scratch before the paint can be fully cured.

Scratches and Hairline Cracks

Scratches and hairline cracks can be difficult to see, but they can be a serious safety hazard if left untreated. Hairline cracks are small cracks that are only visible under a microscope, and they often appear as a series of small, almost invisible scratches. Hairline cracks can make your car more vulnerable to rust, and they can be difficult to repair because the paint must be sanded down to the bare metal before it can be repainted. Scratches can be more difficult to repair than dents or cracks, but they can often be fixed with touch-up paint. Scratches are usually caused by something that has come into contact with your car, such as tree sap, gravel, or another car’s paint.

Dried-Out Paint

Dried-out paint is a serious issue that can be difficult to repair. Dried-out paint is a common problem on older cars that have not been properly maintained. Dried-out paint can be a safety hazard because it can crack and chip, causing even more damage to your car. Dried-out paint can be difficult to fix because the paint must be sanded down to the bare metal before it can be repainted. The best way to prevent dried-out paint is to follow our tips for maintaining your car.

What to do if your car has been damaged

If you have been in a car accident or if your car has been damaged due to an unfortunate accident, you will need to get the car fixed as soon as possible. However, before you rush off to the nearest auto body shop, you may want to take a look at the damage to see what types of repairs may be needed. You can do this by taking a look at the paint finish and inspecting for damage. If you notice any dents, pitting, scratches, hairline cracks, or dried-out paint, you should have the car taken to a auto body shop as soon as possible.

Frequently Asked Question

Typically the cost of paintless dent repair is much less than conventional body shop repair. This is due to not needing parts replacement, paint, or removal and installation labor time.
A door ding repair can range anywhere from $75 up depending on the severity and location of the dent.
Hail damage repair is priced by using dent size and counts per autobody panel. Hail damage repair can range from $500 up to $20,000 depending on the make and model of the car. Dent size, panel materials such as aluminum or steel, and the extent of the damage are also cost factors.
  • Save hundreds over conventional auto body repair
  • Restore your damaged vehicle to pre-damage condition
  • Small dents repaired while you wait
  • Combined tech experience over 50 years
  • Insurance approved
  • All repair work is 100% satisfaction guaranteed
Paintless Dent Repair is the process of repairing each dent in your vehicle’s exterior individually by hand. It takes an experienced PDR technician to remove dents quickly while maintaining a high quality finish.